Handmade Wooden Puzzle Blocks

Some uses of TESSELATES Classic RAINBOW

This very young child chose similar pieces to carefully build a tower… unconsciously learning about colour, size, and shape.

The TESSELATES classic can be used creatively to make any number of representational pictures – such as this robot…

These young schoolchildren worked in silence co-operatively to copy a design from a puzzle card. This also works wonderfully with adults!

This attendee at a day centre for seniors with early dementia loved simply arranging and re-arranging the blocks in designs.

This pre-schooler is developing problem solving skills as she works with the challenge of how to place the blocks diagonally within the frame

And just the fun of seeing what may happen… The most versatile of blocks/puzzles. A product that inspires through generations

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Contact Us

For enquiries or purchase please phone Phillida Hartley on +614 0148 1501 or
email: tesselates@gmail.com.

Web developed by Meena Bainbridge